Waymark 41


The title “The Last Angel” needs to be corrected. In the event of an earthly catastrophe, there will be no “last” angel. The angelic realms in their particular plan will continue to exist, even if they temporarily have fewer tasks, until a new life form (planet) has emerged for the remaining part of the human spirit souls. Time, as it is experienced and calculated on the physical plane, plays no role in this transition process.

If the angelic realms will continue to exist, why the last of his kind? The term “last” refers here to a period of time that will be terminated with the work of this angel, a long period in which humanity was accompanied and encouraged and in which it could have made a development towards the higher worlds as a whole out of its own free will. Although this was not fully achieved, when the catastrophe occurred, an acceptable number of people had made the transition to higher worlds. The lack of results for the masses will not be condemned, but will continue in a new attempt, a new round of evolution, under different conditions (of a new planet).

The path of the so-called last angel is symbolically represented in the picture as a cloud. N. Roerich thus shows that he does not appear before the eyes of the currently incarnated humanity. He acts on the level of feelings, on the level of the astral (theosophical). Only the groups of people who, after their intermediate sleep, are on the way to a new incarnation can observe something of his work.

He, who works as a representative of the higher worlds, has the authority and the support to carry out his work. This work consists of evoking the flames shown in the picture. This corresponds to a simultaneous eruption of the Earth’s supervolcanoes (see Wikipedia) and other volcanoes, including underwater ones. His mandate-based impulse for action comes from the highest authority. In the hierarchy of the worlds, this authority ranks far above the planetary spiritual structure and can therefore be classified above the concept of God in the traditional religions of the West.

In her late letters, H. Roerich comments on this process and speaks of a sixth of the human monads being selected for the transition to a new planet. The criterion for selection has been sufficiently described by us in the texts. It is clearly presented in the mantra of the target marks 14 and 15 as the intensity of the spiritual light in the soul. The selection for the transition can therefore be influenced by stimulating this light mantrically in the described method. It is up to each person to decide whether to use the stimulation, which requires patience and long study.

Those who do not make the transition because they lack light or because it is still too weak will migrate to another planet where, spiritually speaking, conditions are reduced. The future path for this large group is painful, but in the further future they too will find the higher path. For the slave owners who have obscured so many weak spiritual lights in billions of people, there will be a special “cold” place.

Global humanity decides the future of the planet and its possible uninhabitability. This process is not yet irreversible, but the signs of destruction are intensifying.

The task of the higher worlds is to decide how much pain humanity should be expected to experience in this development before the angel begins his work.