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The Soul

The soul itself has neither a skin color nor a nationality or religion. She has language-independent knowledge from the experience of many lives. In every new life she has to place her experience in the contemporary terms of the current era. That is why it needs education and culture. The inexperienced a soul is, the more education is needed, without oppression, with love and consistency. General statements about nations and cultures are deliberately omitted here, because they could reinforce existing prejudices and hatred, as they are often misunderstood. There are enough examples of this in the teachings of the past 150 years. The hidden caste system of the western countries should rather be an issue. An excess of physical incarnations, as is currently the case, harms the souls that are born into hardship and misery. The western states are obliged to take suitable steps and offer help that can sensibly reduce the birth rate in the affected regions. Whether it is already too late and the chaos of the development can still be regulated is an open question.