Waymark 40


Modern slavery

While the so-called digital world has given mankind a new achievement in terms of its ability to exchange information without limits, the dark side is currently without any real control and is therefore the basis for addiction and dependency.

Corporations and individuals who have gained digital connections to hundreds of millions of people, some with direct links to dictatorial regimes, are subjugating these people as information-dependent slaves to lies of illusion and misinformation. Their intention is to gain political power and make large financial profits with which they can further expand their system.

The new modern slavery intervenes directly and manipulatively in the emotional (theosophical: astral) and the lower mental (theosophical: mental) and achieves the addiction and attachment it seeks through invented pseudo-truths, conspiracy stories and ideologies.

The methods are similar to those of religious sects: a constant staccato of lies and a deliberately distorted representation of real events in words, images and sound.

Every reader of this text will recognise this global process.

If slavery in its long history was always associated with physical violence – and it still is – the current form described is unprecedented. Of course, the types of religious activity that also work with “brainwashing” must be mentioned in comparison, but always on an astral basis with indoctrination of fear.

The new form of slavery subjugates people insidiously and almost imperceptibly. Alternative realities, which have no true basis, are implanted astrally and mentally via digital channels and their devices. The mass phenomenon results in fascist structures in the human psyche, the root of which lies in the Darwinian theory of evolution.

Those of you who have read waymark 39 were able to gain an impression of the neighbouring subtle world from which attempts are being made to promote human development, at least for a larger part of humanity, through education and a culture of truth.

Incarnations of important members of this world, which we call the Brotherhood, although it includes countless highly developed female members, are always connected with the intention of taking humanity a step further through universal teachings and science. But in the confines of the physical shell their possibilities are limited and from their higher position they are not allowed to interfere with free will.

It may be an interesting consideration to projectively plan the incarnation of a high advanced entity and to think through a concept according to which it can work successfully on earth today. It is certainly not wrong to look at the three years of Christ as an example, which represent his work after he was able to use the outer shells of the disciple Jesus after his baptism at the Jordan. The texts from the book Supermundane about the travelling Christ, which are included on this website, give a strong impression of his work at that time. It was a geographically very small area that he chose, in which he worked and sowed as an example for the whole. It was not without reason that his opponents belonged to the religion that did not know or want to recognise the rebirth of the human soul. Some elements of this religion and its god of revenge and hatred have retained their damaging effect on people’s souls right up to the present day and can still be observed in their relentlessness.

Many people in the East and West are waiting for the appearance of a Messiah and hope that he will bring about a great change in a world characterised by violence, hatred and lies. At the same time, we are currently witnessing the appearance of personified counter-designs to the hoped-for mission, who are trampling the foundations of a peaceful world, a world of humanity, underfoot. They are the ones casting the nets of mental slavery and reaping the dark harvest.

So what would a work look like today under the current circumstances?

If you are planning the hoped-for appearance of the incarnated good, then bear in mind that no matter in which culture you are considering such a spiritual experiment, the high being (by whatever name) has only the WORD as a weapon. No magic, no sorcery and no violence would be used by it.

The only question that then remains is: Hasn’t everything already been said that the high entity would and could say in incarnation?