Target 1


On this website you will find some texts that could indicate the formation of a group. We would like to explain the basics of a possible group formation.

It is not intended to be a physical organisation. Its existence is purely subtle, arising from the study of jointly developed content of the teachings and is supplemented by the texts given here.

The group grows with astral/mental and higher communication, thus creating a network of inner relationships.

There are no rules for joining or leaving. Anyone who recognises themselves as belonging can send us an email to that effect. Anyone who wishes to end their collaboration can do the same. We respect the anonymity of emails. Initials of the name with the first letter and a full stop are sufficient.

Ultimately, the quality of the spiritual work determines whether a person remains a member of the group, for which each person is responsible.

A fundamental point for the status of the group is the heliocentric centring in the solar space, instead of a geocentric planetary one.

This is a fundamental point that we will explain in more detail shortly.

Those who are active in one of the planetary ashrams in an assumed commitment – they will know – can participate peripherally, but without a central position in the inner structure of the group.

There must be no competition in the form of poaching from the brotherhoods of the planetary hierarchy.

The best way to join at the moment is to use the Shiva Mantram (read the corresponding waymark).

The effect of the Shiva Mantram is fundamentally different when it is applied from a heliocentric position of consciousness.

Additional texts, called ‘waymarks’, will follow gradually.