Target 12


In these times of endangered planetary life, we affirm the fiery light of the spirit that permeates all forms.

Even if the destruction of the outer form of this planet is possible, the light of the spirit in the soul of every human being and in almost all essential forms remains indestructible.

The question of whether the soul is aware of its presence is an individual one and depends on the state of the spiritual light.

As a reader of these texts, which are part of the eternal stream of spiritual teachings, you have the opportunity to inwardly address and stimulate the light in the souls of the people you meet.

The light we are talking about here is not the light that the soul itself generates through feelings and everyday thoughts, that is, the light that emanates from the soul. What is meant is the spiritual light that can flow into the soul with high vibration to transform it.

Encounter the people who cross your path inwardly with the following mantric phrase:

‘I greet the light in your soul.’

By doing so, you will be doing them and humanity a significant service.

Please note:

  • Do not change the mantric sequence, it corresponds to a high symbol.
  • Speak internally, not externally audible, without turning to the recipient.

This extraordinary action contains some possible variations in practice. We will provide more information on this in the upcoming texts.

The internal practice is an act of spiritual will. The mantra itself is the substance of pure human love.