Target 10



A quote:

‘Almost unconsciously I found myself outside and hurried along with a speed I had never moved with before in my life. It was not as cold as it had been earlier in the evening – in fact, I felt neither heat nor cold. When I looked down, I was amazed that I did not see the earth, but only the tops of some bushes below me. Camp Barkeley seemed far behind me as I sped across the dark frozen desert. My mind tried to tell me that what I was doing was impossible, and yet… it was happening. The lights of a town appeared below me, warning lights flashing at the intersections. This was ridiculous. A human being cannot fly without an aircraft – but for an aircraft I was flying too low. The land seemed more forested now: wide, snow-covered fields surrounded by dark trees. Occasionally I saw the road. But there was little traffic at this time of night, and the towns I passed were dark and silent. I was going to Richmond; somehow I had known that from the moment I stormed through the hospital doors. I was going to Richmond a hundred times faster than any train on this earth could carry me. But… now that I thought about it, how could I be sure this was the way to Richmond? I had travelled between Texas and Virginia only once before, and in the opposite direction, and a great deal of the train ride had been at night. What was it that made me think I would find my way to Richmond alone? A particularly wide river could be seen below me.’

While this is happening, there is another longer story outside of physical time in which George is clinically dead (respiratory arrest). He is ‘brought back’ after a few minutes of physical time. The experiences in the ‘afterlife’ would have required several hours in the external, regardless of the possibility of flying and covering great distances.

This point of flying is the subject of the observation. George Ritchie has a firm and dynamic will to get where he wants to go. Stripped of his physical body, he flies there in seconds.

This targeted will in good, practised preparation is needed for the intervention work (outlined by us in the previous targets).

However, contrary to what is described in the book, the physical body is not completely left, but an additional location of consciousness is sent to a specific place on a plateau in solar space. It helps to imagine the ‘flying away’ as a backward movement. The starting point then appears to be getting smaller and smaller in a matter of seconds (modality) and one feels the arrival on the plateau. It can help to give the plateau a personal name, and with the inner command ‘plateau’ the arrival occurs quickly. The inner gaze is then directed towards the earthly planet at a certain distance.

The inner mental commands:

  1. Thin ray on the palm of the hand
  2. Give a silvery-blue tint
  3. Give the rhythm to the ray via the hand (at the same time, hear the rhythm at least once very inwardly)
  4. Ray shoots to the planet
  5. Ray penetrates the tetrahedron
  6. Teaching rains
  7. Endure (several minutes)
  8. It works!

This helps to make the process dynamic.

The same applies for the other intervention.