Target 6


At a place in the solar space in the subtle world (H. Roerich also calls it the thin world), which corresponds to Chiron, you direct the already described ray of extra-solar energy and give it a sound rhythm. It is not a physically audible rhythm, it is only generated internally.

For the first steps of this work (because at the level where this takes place, it is considered work), you use the rhythm that you know from the Shiva mantra. To do this, read the corresponding waymark 26 again and also listen to the rhythm. To give the ray the rhythm, create it internally through an “M”. So you hear the rhythm internally as the sound “M” in a medium pitch (externally it sounds like the “M” at the end of OM). If the sound of the words of the Shiva mantra resonates in the background when you are rhythmising, that’s fine.

Now take a thin, finer ray from the ray and direct it to a target of your choice. According to the principles of homeopathy (given to humanity by the Brotherhood), dilution is equivalent to potentisation of the effect. The rhythm you have generated internally is added to this “diluted” ray as you allow it to flow through your subtle, fine-material hand. The vibration of the “M” and the rhythmisation thus make the energy ray effective for the earthly planes. To use a musical term, this ray is “transposed”. It leaves your hand in a spiral.

Now look in the direction of the earthly planet and bring the ray into your field of vision by visual magnification (modality). You do not see the image of the physical planet, but a sphere enveloped by clouds of different consistencies.

At this point, we will give you time to practise the procedure described so far.

A few notes:

  1. This work should only be carried out by readers who have decided to take part in a group activity in the form described by us. It is ineffective and can even be harmful if it takes place without the inner change of location into the solar space and without group reference.
  2. We are aware that for a certain number of readers of this content, the path described in the target marks seems too “adventurous”. There is no obligation or expectation to use this special offer. For readers or students who fulfil the requirements, it is an offer. We know that there are enough of them who are waiting for such spiritual work. Ultimately, it is just as adventurous as for the convinced member of a Christian religion who is confronted with the truth of reincarnation.
  3. The texts given here can be seen and accepted as interesting reading material, as an introduction to a new world or as training for the advanced and educated, depending on one’s personal orientation. In them, we react to the stupid excesses of our time, which place master beings at the centre of consideration instead of the teaching of truths. H.P. Blavatsky’s act of making the master beings known to the general public was necessary and right. Now the contents of the timeless wisdom should again have their place in the centre for the public. Whoever ignites his spiritual light will always find an inner contact with the master beings and their co-workers.
  4. The externalisation of the spiritual brotherhood, as announced by the Tibetan a hundred years ago, will not take place soon, if at all. Humanity has not taken all the necessary steps to achieve this, in particular the “gateway to evil” has not been closed. The Tibetan gave a hint as to where and how it remained open. The activities and incarnations of individual enlightened beings and corresponding groups (i.e. those who know) will continue according to the law of the brotherhoods (planetary head and heart centre).

The next target will be dedicated to the question: Where and into which “substance” do we or do you direct the ray?