Helena Roerich writes in a letter dated March 1, 1948, in Dehli, India:
“There is a very edifying parable in Buddhist collections that N. Roerich liked to quote in his writings. I no longer have the exact version, but I remember its meaning.
Once a disciple asked the great Bodhisattva Maitreya: ‘Why doesn’t the Bodhisattva show himself to people? The mere sight of him should please all people and convert them to the path of righteousness. The Bodhisattva smiled and said: ‘You are mistaken, it will not only be of no use, but many will be tempted and turn away from the teaching. But the student could not understand, so the Bodhisattva suggested that the student take a walk through the bazaar while the Bodhisattva sat on his shoulder. The overjoyed student rushed with him to the bazaar. To his amazement, the people he met either walked by indifferently or turned away and laughed, some even held their noses as if to ward off the stench, and asked the student, “Why are you carrying such a disgusting smelly dog on your shoulder?” The astonished disciple turned to the Bodhisattva for an explanation, and the Bodhisattva replied, “People do not see my true appearance because they can only perceive what corresponds to their inner being.” Thus, each person can only respond to the vibration that resonates with them. The laws of the mind are just and exact. No one can receive what they have not earned through pure heart energy and unceasing, persistent work. The more I meet people who are seeking spiritual enlightenment, the more I am amazed at the carelessness with which they approach the most intimate, highest concepts and expect immediate bright manifestations that they have not earned, without even thinking for a moment about whether such manifestations are possible under the given circumstances. Everyone talks about the necessity of a scientific approach for convincing manifestations, and at the same time they themselves deprive all such experiments of their scientific nature because they do not want to observe and study the conditions required for them.”
I repeat:
No one can receive what they have not earned through pure heart energy and unceasing, persistent work.
The mantra given in targets 14 and 15 corresponds to this requirement in its application in order to become more receptive.