Brotherhood, sisterhood, community, spiritual hierarchy,
aspirants, disciples, initiates, masters, also bodhisattvas, buddhas
‘Urusvati (H. Roerich) knows that even the Great Men of Action reveal different qualities in each embodiment. If one looks at a whole series of embodiments, one can see for oneself the chain of accumulations. In this context, it is particularly instructive to see how differently the sequences are formed. One must not assume that the qualities develop in accordance with earthly understanding and that each embodiment is a direct continuation of the previous one. The law of evolution is much broader in its structures. From the supermundane heights, it is better to see how the spirit must perfect itself. There is no contradiction in a spirit acquiring new facets in accordance with the unearthly order.
But not only in the course of several incarnations do various accumulations take place; even during a single earthly life, one can observe a change of desires and aspirations. This can, of course, take place in an involutionary process, in which case a person falls into primitiveness and dullness. However, I am not talking about such dark phenomena. On the contrary, I would like to emphasise how much a person can accumulate in the course of a single earthly life. One can learn without limit. The impulse of growing consciousness will suggest the many different ways in which one can search. And We help in such searches.
We draw the attention of the person concerned to a new book. We suggest useful turns of conversation. We send thoughts about new discoveries. We imperceptibly prevent harmful errors. It gives pleasure to provide help unnoticed. We appreciate it when the fighters valiantly fend off the blows of darkness. Let people remember from time to time how they were taught in the Subtle World, how luminous beings approached them, and how the growth of consciousness enabled the Teachers to approach. This is exactly how it happens in earthly life.
Your shield consists of the recognition of Our existence. Take the advice and heal the consciousness! You complain about the liver, but rather check your thoughts!
The monasteries were originally founded to support weak minds, but the strong were also able to spread their knowledge far and wide from the monastery. They could never remain in the desert for long; when they had filled their spiritual vessel, they felt the need to return to the people. In this way, they not only provided spiritual help, but also acquired knowledge of life themselves. This latter condition is not generally understood, since people know nothing of balance.
The monasteries were originally founded to support weak minds, but the strong were also able to spread their knowledge far and wide from the monastery. They could never remain in the desert for long; when they had filled their spiritual vessel, they felt the need to return to the people. In this way, they not only provided spiritual help, but also acquired knowledge of life themselves. This latter condition is not generally understood, since people know nothing of balance.
Let us turn to the Forces of Light. We have already said how carefully They use the Primordial Energy and how They observe the Law of the Universe. They know that every unlawful waste of energy affects the entire structure of the world. You work to maintain the balance. Can this sublime work be compared to the vain attacks of evil? Who can claim that the earth could exist without the energy of light? Who dares compare the expressionless radiance of malevolent entities with the glow of the higher spheres? However, let us not forget that people need such admonitions.’
From ‘Supermundane’ 433/434