Here is the promised description of a further intervention.
The well-known very thin thread of the energy flow is placed over the palm of the hand.
It receives a rhythm (felt internally) of the M, but in three even beats.
This can be experienced like a triple, equally long chime of a large, heavy (church) bell. The triple stroke is ended by the stroke of a small bell with a very high pitch. So there is a fourfold, even rhythm (the Shiva recitation on YouTube has this fine tone at the end, see Waystone 26).
In the hand, the ray turns a silvery blue and spirals (only visible when enlarged).
The ray is directed towards the visible terrestrial planet, through whose enveloping (known) clouds the familiar physical image (of the blue planet) shimmers through. This is different from the first intervention from the previous waypoints.
In a cloudless area above the image of the physical planet, there is a subtle tetrahedron (analogous to the one that works into the solar space). The ray shoots through this tetrahedron and dissolves into countless fine drops of shimmering silver-blue colour.
The drops fall slowly, like a gentle rain, onto the entire rotating planet, without the ray drying up.
The tetrahedron, which is located at a higher level (buddhic/atmical) in Shamballa, contains in encrypted form (not digitally, but in a higher correspondence) the entire modern teaching and the ancient wisdom scriptures, which are the basis of everything.
In this way, the teaching can and will be increasingly dispensed into the astral and mental shells of humanity like a warm rain, in order to reveal itself to the thinking mind. Since (according to karmic law) it must be an action carried out by incarnated people, a continuous group activity is necessary. It makes sense to alternate between dealing with the astral and mental damage in the clouds and the beneficial and healing activity for humanity that has now been outlined, in the rhythm already mentioned.
Three days of activity, followed by a three-day break with intensive meditation of the Shiva mantra. This six-day sequence is repeated seven times. Then there is a change to the other activity. In groups of twelve, a rhythmic change will occur naturally.
The daily meditation should not exceed 10 minutes. The use of the outlined method for other than the matters mentioned here, especially personal or other questions, should not take place and will remain without effect.
Those who enter one of the groups follow the task given here. Everyone is free to pursue other activities independently of this service.
In the next text, something will be given about the aspect of will in meditative work.