Target 7


The dark astral clouds of fear, created by threatening and oppressive religions, are a target for the energy available to the group. From the Chiron location, there are recognisable centres of fear production in the astral realm, which are located in the clouds around the earthly planet. The group members who will direct their rays in this direction know which religious centres are meant. This fear-inducing and false promise of salvation has an infectious character and can be seen as a spreading infection. The incoming ray of the group members unfolds its effect steadily. In an initial reaction, the darkness intensifies, only to give way to the spreading light of truth and then disappear. What is the compensation (or alternative) for those who want to break away from religion? Theosophy and its extensions over the last 150 years contain universal truths, but they need to be made known again on a global scale in order to be available to those seeking truth.

After the astral phenomena, the cloud-like formations of lies and deliberate delusions in the lower mental realm are also to be observed in digital form. They contain special formations that are actively searching for the true, the beautiful and the good in order to destroy it. The perpetrators are the lackeys of the dark and, currently, many self-exposing leaders who sell their souls (often in exchange for a promise of immortality).

Two main areas of our actions have thus been named. We combine this with a warning not to seek out the dark creators of these conglomerates of lies directly and to attack them with the energy sent out, because then the effect would be too physical. In addition, some of them have transformative practices to use the influx for their own dark purposes. The point is to ‘treat’ their mental works by adding energy in such a way that the conglomerates of beings eruptively dissolve, because they cannot tolerate the special energy.

In both applications, the goal is not the physical shell of humans and the planet.

When energy is directed into the planetary astral and mental life to alleviate planetary symptoms and to awaken to the truth, the physical should also be left out of the visualisation. Those who have committed themselves to spiritual truth will work as long as possible to heal the current state. Every soul that walks the higher path as a result of this is worth the work.

At the end of this text, attention should be drawn to the lack of publicity (‘advertising’) of spiritual teachings in the present day. The group activity outlined so far deals with the excesses of fear and lies in order to contain and reduce them. Another possible course of action for intervention will be presented in a further text.

A more comprehensive campaign to make uninformed humanity aware of the basic truths is lacking. Stupidity and falsification have taken hold of the teaching and present it without effect and also to make money with it. The astral illusions created in this way are very harmful; their dissolution can also be the goal of the group’s activity.

At the moment, the means to launch a campaign under the current conditions are lacking. If they were available, a digital campaign could be started, with an expansion of the circle of collaborators.

In the next text, we will summarise the previous instructions in a compact form.