Target 5


In view of the emerging developments on this planet (written on 14 July 2024), we recognise and observe the dark currents of lies and violence, remain concerned and share in the suffering of humanity. We confirm the possibility of a coming dark solar hour.

Find your chosen place in the solar space in the groups of twelve that are forming. Focus the group ray on an earthly event at your own discretion, with confidence and steadfastness, in order to lift as much higher substance as possible out of the maelstrom of regressive processes on planet Earth.

From your high group position, which you have voluntarily taken, you direct the tetrahedrally transformed ray into the earthly turmoil, wherever you feel it is necessary to intervene, support or act.

There are no targets for this action.

However, be aware that you are not alone and that you always act as part of a group.

We recommend a three-day rhythm for this service to humanity: 3 days, in the awareness of belonging to a group, for a few concentrated minutes, then 3 days of rest. A closed unit of 7 times 3 active phases is appropriate. Always begin with the Shiva mantra in a number of 12 repetitions, regardless of other meditative activities, and end the meditation with the threefold Shiva mantra. On days when you are not working actively, you should devote a lot of time to the Shiva mantra. Illness requires a break when mental concentration is difficult. The group compensates for such phases.

This constancy opens up a path to independence from earthly upheavals, even if the group’s sphere of influence is currently the earthly planet.

The following modalities of active meditation can be used in visualisation:

  • Enlarging and zooming in on the visualisation, analogous to the telephoto lens of a camera.
  • Phenomena that impose themselves can be modulated in their effect by reducing and shifting (a mental act of will).
  • Move/fly backwards quickly and reach a goal in solar space in a short moment. In the visual forward movement, the physically branded senses prevent rapid movement. When you arrive at the group location, turn inward.
  • Modulate the sharpness (contrast) of the visualisation and find the best ‘setting’ based on the effect on your sensations. You modulate the contrast of the visualised image by stroking the bottom edge of the ‘image’ from the centre to the left or right with a visualised finger.
  • Use a visualised ‘hand’ to move elements in the picture.
  • There are other modalities that will be presented later.

The group process is independent of and lasts beyond the current physical incarnation of the group members.

Active services in the outer life do not have to be reduced as long as they do not restrict the group work.

Be aware that you are part of a highly active entity, individually and as a group, in the BEING of the Solar Logos, which you affirm with the Shiva mantra. Be aware of your physical and inner dual existence at all times. We do not take responsibility for the success of the individual path, but we do for the texts given here. For anyone who is participating in this solar service, the most effective way to deepen the experience is to read the texts repeatedly. This will accelerate the process from visualisation to actual inner experience.

The next text will deal with the question of sound in meditation work.