In your imagination, you take a place in the subtle solar system. The image you create inside you contains the familiar planets in a transparent sphere. Their appearance does not have to correspond to their physical images. You can keep the spherical shape and give them different transparent colours for orientation. Their size is arbitrary and not of particular importance. The sun in the centre of the picture is the dominant object in terms of colour and size.
YOUR location is not planet Earth. In addition to the known planets (including Pluto), the asteroid and comet Chiron (in its dual nature) is also in the system of the picture. Its size is comparable to that of Mercury on this subtle level.
You are at the edge of the sphere. The edge is slightly denser in colour in the otherwise transparent image. It is clear that the sphere in whose space you are located is located beyond the edge in a further space. The edge of the solar system is recognisable.
Chiron is directly next to your position on the left. Uranus is to the left of Chiron on the edge. If you construct an equilateral triangle in a circle, whose three corners touch the edge of the circle, you have an angle of 120 degrees. This is the distance from Chiron to Uranus. From your position next to Chiron, to the right is the planet Earth in its subtle-material shell, at the same distance as Uranus to the left, below the level of Uranus. This results in an equilateral triangle of Chiron, Uranus and Earth, whose corners are not visibly connected. The other planets should also be visible and not all on the same level.
It can be helpful to paint this image on paper using transparent colours (watercolours) in order to have a basis for the image to be imagined.
In the following text, the image is completed and the question of why no other asteroid from the centaur group was included alongside Chiron is answered.
“People do not want to understand the workings of a group that multiplies forces. The dodecagon is one of the most perfect formations. Such a dynamic formation can withstand many attacks. A systematically assembled group of twelve can even influence worldly phenomena.” (Diary of H. Roerich)
Such a group has its origin on the higher mental plane and can use the astral as a form. This process is to be given a start here. An outer physical constitution is not necessary and also not wanted. The effectiveness of the work of such a group reaches into the thinking and feeling of people. Its place is in the solar system – sketched in the picture – and the orientation towards the earthly exists as long as the planet is habitable.